Sunday, November 20, 2011

Never under estimate your existence here in this world.You may find yourself worthless in a sense that you cant do anything right,just bear in your hearts that "We live to live our lives with some failures along the way".That were  human and were vulnerable to all emotions and pains roaming around this world that sometimes hits us.

When i was in my younger years i always makes my first times as a mistake that it register into my mind that im hopeless,worthless that i even consider myself as second rated and i always expects low specially when there's a test, that when our papers were given back by our teacher,i always expect that my score would be low(and as i expected,its low)so that it wouldn't surprise me.

But now things have change eversince  i got into accident 1 year ago(it costs me to be bedridden for almost 2 months,i was wheel-chaired, got a walker and i was re-teached to walk again).Even though im not as good as new now...i realized something in return..that...Life is easy if we found the way out of darkness...and i found mine...

Stand Still

"I am my own Heroine"..That's the phrase i always hold on to stay strong every time i feel I'm about to disappear in a situation that's not in my control.